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Need help coding a new header and footer


We have recently launched our Eloqua 10 instance along with a new website. I am trying to get our new header and footer working on an Eloqua landing page. I am not having much luck so thought I'd turn to some of the pro's in here.


Based on the html attached... could someone coach me on where to place which parts of the code in order for it to work as a new landing page template?  What would need to go into the CSS, JS, and html editor to make this work? I've tried the obvious and have had no luck so far. Thanks in advance for any help!

Connecting to the Eloqua API - Generic Setup


In a number of code snippets we’ll be sharing in some upcoming posts,  there will be a bit of general setup that is common.  Rather than  repeat it in all the code snippets, it’s best just to share it once and  refer back to it.  This code, by itself, won't do much, but many of the code snippet samples that will be forthcoming may use this as a reference.


For almost anything you do with the Eloqua API, you will need the  SOAP endpoints for the calls defined.  There are two main endpoints  that we’ll be looking at, the External Action Service for Program  Builder related tasks (Cloud Connectors) and the standard SOAP endpoint  for many data and group related tasks.  This code snippet sets up both  as they will usually be used in tandem by most programs that leverage  the Eloqua API.


The following SOAP Endpoints are defined:


EloquaProgramService  as: https://secure.eloqua.com/api/1.2/ExternalActionService.svc?wsdl


and EloquaServiceNew as: https://secure.eloqua.com/API/1.2/Service.svc?wsdl



With  that, let’s create an object to manage our communication with Eloqua.   In creating an instance of this class, we’ll pass in three variables –  the Eloqua Instance  name, the User ID, and the Password.


The  Eloqua Instance name is the company name that you use on your login  page.  Your user id and password represent the user account for an  account that has API access.  To have API access, two things must be  true – the API must be enabled for your instance, and the account you  are using must have the right to use the API.  To turn on the API for  your install, just call the Eloqua support desk and ask them to enable  it for you.  Your system administrator will be able to grant access to  the API security rights under the Admin console.


With that set up, our constructor just creates a serviceProxy for each endpoint and attaches the credentials we have specified.  The Eloqua Instance Name and  the User ID are concatenated into a string that looks like  InstanceName\UserID.


    public class EloquaInstance



        private EloquaServiceNew.EloquaServiceClient serviceProxy;

        private EloquaProgramService.ExternalActionServiceClient programServiceProxy;


        private DateTime dttLastEloquaAPICall;


        private string strInstanceName = "";

        private string strUserID = "";

        private string strUserPassword = "";


        public EloquaInstance(string InstanceName, string UserID, string UserPassword)


            strInstanceName = InstanceName;

            strUserID = UserID;

            strUserPassword = UserPassword;


            serviceProxy = new EloquaServiceNew.EloquaServiceClient();

            serviceProxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = strInstanceName + "\\" + strUserID;

            serviceProxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = strUserPassword;



            programServiceProxy = new EloquaProgramService.ExternalActionServiceClient();

            programServiceProxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = strInstanceName + "\\" + strUserID;

            programServiceProxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = strUserPassword;


            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };


            dttLastEloquaAPICall = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));








This generic setup will be  used by a lot of the code snippets we’ll share, and is a great way to  get you started with connecting to Eloqua.

Advisory: Summer '14 Release - SP2 - Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 / Pod 2 / SUCCESSFULLY CONCLUDED


Eloqua Summer '14 Release - Service Pack 2 - SUCCESSFULLY CONCLUDED


Service Pack 2 of the Summer '14 Release will roll out between 11 pm, Tuesday, July 15th, and 5 am, Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 (all times EDT (UTC -4)).



Please review the supporting resources available in the Topliners Release Resource Center. This includes Release Notes for both E9 and E10, with information on:

Release Overview

What's New in This Release

Known Issues

Fixed Issues

Technical Notes and Limitations

Supported Environments


Troubleshooting and Technical Support


If you're not already an Eloqua Insider, you'll need to request access to that group before you can access the Release Resource Center.


While the application may remain accessible during this time, some features such as file and image uploads, program builder and emails will be paused as they are upgraded. There will also be intermittent downtime during this window. You are advised to avoid using the application during this window.

To determine if you are on Pod2:

Log into Eloqua as you normally would.

Look at the browser URL once you are logged in.

Pod2 URL has the following format - www02.secure.eloqua.com/... (note:  02 included in URL).




Wednesday, July 16th, 1:28 am EDT (UTC -4)


The release completed without incident.

What topics would you like to see featured on Spotlight on Success?

Using Eloqua WS API with Java - Part 1


Using Eloqua WS API with Java - Series Introduction 




This three part series we will walk through using the Eloqua WS API with Java and related technologies. The goal of the series is to show with the choice of a few simple examples the approach to working with the API to complete some simple tasks, along with making sure we avoid some problems that might occur. 

The series will be broken down as follows

1. Basic setup and getting started

2. Simple API usage scenarios.

3. Working with emails and deployments

Part 1 - Basic Setup and Usage:

In this tutorial of working with the Eloqua WS API in Java we will utilize the Axis2 library and related modules along with Eclipse as the IDE.

Developer Pre-Requisites


We will begin by first making getting all the tools and technologies that are being used in this tutorial. Please ensure that you have all the right pieces downloaded and in place before we begin to avoid issues later in the tutorial.


Tools and technologies


The Java Web Service Client will be built using Apache Axis2 and Apache Rampart. To facilitate the development of the client the Eclipse IDE will be used along with a Axis2 specific Eclipse plug-in.

The samples that will be built shall be setup as simple Console applications to make it very easy to test them; the code, however, can be used in any deployment topology including web application.

Installation and setup


Java SE 6 Update 24

Download and install the latest Java SE 6 JDK.




Eclipse IDE for Java Developers ( Helios SR2 )


Download and install (extract) the Eclipse IDE on your computer. Please make note of the directory where you have installed it.

Note If you already have any other version of the Helios release that will work as well - we will install the required plug-in later.



Apache Axis2/Java


Download and install the latest version of the Axis2/Java release, the Binary Distribution will be all that is needed. Follow instructions provided.


Axis2/Java - Version 1.5.4



Apache Rampart Module


Download and extract the latest version of the Rampart module, the Binary Distribution will be all that is needed. Follow instructions provided.


Apache Rampart - Version 1.5.1



Code Generator Wizard - Eclipse Plug-in


Download and install the Code Generator Eclipse Plug-In for Axis2.

  1. Download the ZIP file for the plugin you want to install.
  2. Extract      the content of the plugins folder in      the ZIP archive into the dropins folder      (i.e. do not create a plugins folder      under dropins).


Note: Restart eclipse to ensure that the plug-in gets loaded successfully.


To ensure that the plug-in has successfully do the following:


1. Start Eclipse


2. Select File --> New --> Other



If Axis2 Wizards shows up as shown above then the plug-in is ready to use. If it does not show up please ensure that the jar file is in the correct location and restart Eclipse if necessary.



Getting Started

In this section we shall start with generating the WS Clients and then configure Axis2 to ensure that we are able to connect to the Eloqua WS API.

Before starting please make sure that the you valid credentials ( username / password ) for an Eloqua User that has been granted the API access.

Generate WS Clients


To generate the WS Client the first step is to create a new project in Eclipse.


File --> New --> Project --> Java Project




Name the project ( I chose EloquaWSClient )and click Finish



Right click on the new project and then select New --> Other--> Axis2 Code Generator







The client will be created from a WSDL so make the selection and click Next.




Enter the Eloqua Service URL  https://secure.eloqua.com/API/1.2/Service.svc?wsdland click Next



Next select Custom as the Codegen option.



Change the package name of the client to something that does not contain _1._2



Select Generate Sync Style only and then click Next





First select to browse and select a project from the workspace and then click Browse and find the project you just created.



Check the option to add the Axis2 codegen jars



Check the option to add Axis2 libraries to the codegen result project. Once you click browse you will have to point to the location where the Axis2 libraries were installed. Click Check Libs to make sure the libraries are found.




Finally click Finish and the client code should be generated.




Configure Eclipse Project


Once the code has been generated the next step is to ensure that the Eclipse Project that was created will have the correct build path setup.  First ensure that the source files for the clients are in the project src directory.



NOTE: Don't worry if it's all red - we will fix it next with the build path.


Next select the project and choose Build Path --> Configure Built Path




Next select the Libraries tab and choose to Add Jars... then from the lib folder select all the jar files and click OK




If project is already setup for Build Automatically just wait a few seconds and you will see all the compiler errors will be gone!


NOTE - If you have installed Apache Rampart correctly you will see at the very least the Rampart Jars.




If these are not present the following steps will have to be done:


Step 1.  Open the folder in which Apache Rampart was installed and select all jar files in the lib directory.


Step 2. Copy these jar files into the lib folder of your eclipse project and then go through the Build Path steps to include these in the project as well.


Connecting to Eloqua WS API


First we will start with a simple console application to make sure that we can connect to the Eloqua WS API. To do so first we create a simple Java Class, select the project and choose to create a new class:



Next enter the name of the package and class and click Finish.




The content of this file will be


package com.eloqua.sample;

import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import com.eloqua.secure.api.EloquaStub;
import com.eloqua.secure.api._1_2.ListAssetTypes;

public class WSConsoleClient {

                public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception                 {                                // To debug the this line will set Log4J to use System.Out for a lot of messages.                                //BasicConfigurator.configure();                                // Configure your username and password here.                                String company = "   ";                                String username = "   ";                                String password = "   ";                                // Assuming that the conf directory has the Axis2 config file and Rampart is installed correctly.                                ConfigurationContext ctx = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("D:\\Apache\\axis2-1.5.4\\conf", null);                                EloquaStub stub = new EloquaStub(ctx,"https://secure.eloqua.com/API/1.2/Service.svc");                                ServiceClient sc = stub._getServiceClient();                                Options options = sc.getOptions();                                sc.engageModule("rampart");                                options.setUserName(company +"\\"+username);                                options.setPassword(password);                                String[] assetTypes = stub.listAssetTypes(new ListAssetTypes()).getListAssetTypesResult().getAssetTypes().getString();                                System.out.println("Asset Types count : " + assetTypes.length);                                for ( String s : assetTypes)                                {                                                System.out.println(" -> " + s);                                                                                    }                }


Make sure of the following:

1. The login credentials are added correctly.

2. The location of the Apache Axis2 Configuration file is set correctly.




3. It is VERY important to ensure security works that Apache Rampart was correctly added; in particular the modules directory of your Apache Axis2 installation MUST have the rampart MAR file.




If this file is NOT present please go back and install Apache Rampart with the installation instructions.


Running the code


To run the sample simply select the file you just created and then select Run As --> Java Application




In the Console you should see the following output:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axiom.om.util.StAXUtils).

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

Asset Types count : 10

-> DataExport

-> DataImport

-> Email

-> EmailHeader

-> EmailFooter

-> ContactGroup

-> CompanyGroup

-> ProspectGroup

-> Form

-> None


Congrats - you are now using the Eloqua WS API!

Next Steps


Having completed the steps above you should be able to now run all the other WS API calls by using the documentation provided.

Pre Populate external site form


Hi all,


I need working sample coding that will pre populate Name and Email Address field in the external hosted site form.  The version is Eloqua 10

What did till now is:

  1. Form created with First Name and Email Address and also mapped with contact fields in processing.
  2. Got Html coding from view html options in the form
  3. create web data lookup with generic type
  4. Generate configuration and intergration script.

Now, i exactly need to configuring those things.

help me.

Does Your Website Leverage SPACE ? ; Science, Play, Art, Creativity, and Exploration


I’m an admitted museum junkie. I can walk the halls of any art, history, or science museum for hours. I love to learn and museums provide an opportunity to engage with things greater than me. I want to pass this love of learning on to my kids so we visit museums when we can. They love going to the Cincinnati Children’s Museum because they can interact with the exhibits. They have a dedicated Kids’ SPACE; Science, Play, Art, Creativity, and Exploration.


In many ways business websites also act as a virtual museum of sorts. They house information, some that mirrors relics, and are meant to serve the purpose of education. The problem is companies don’t create sites that engage.


People visit your website because they’re seeking information. But people choose to stay on a website because they discover there’s more to learn. Adults, like kids, are naturally curious. Anything developed for a child, be it a toy, show, or establishment, is designed to harness that creativity. Why is it we assume adults are myopic when approaching self-education? Why is a company’s central information repository, a website, designed without imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight? It’s as if we want people to leave our site. “Here’s the information you were looking for, now calls us if you’re interested in learning more”. It doesn’t work that way. We’ve all seen the stats, Gartner states that 70% of the buying process occurs before a sales rep is engaged. Don’t you want your website to compensate during 70% of that journey?



Metrics That Matter


When evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts, which of the following metrics matters most?

How to get field merges to show on a landing page


Seems like an easy thing to do, but not working for some reason.


I have a landing page (in E10) and I want it to display the first name and email address of the person who is visiting the page. They are redirected here after a form submit. How do I get that info populated on the page? Do I need any extra data lookup scripts added to the page, or should it just work out of the box. How do I send a person to a PURL after they submit a form?


I remember in E9 I could just use the "create hypersite" processing step and send them to a purl page. Since this is no longer an option, how can the same thing be achieved?



Workday Contacts Management


Every marketer would love to have simple integration as a marketing tool to drive opportunity.  Integrating Eloqua® with Workday® a marketer can develop new, deeper and more meaningful campaigns that produce qualified leads, improve traffic quality and create an end to end view.


Put it Forward’s Workday® connector integrates directly with Eloqua’s marketing automation platform in a simple way to give you the most of from this opportunity in a simple easy to use way.


Some key capabilities:

  • Enrich contacts in Workday® with campaign information from Eloqua®
  • Connect leads with contacts and case management in Workday®
  • Shorten the time between lead to order
  • Cycle contacts back into leads if not ready yet for ordering
  • Enhance forecasting models and reporting with deeper views of your lead universe
  • Keep leads synchronized between Eloqua and Workday®
  • Data analysis to determine effective sales behaviors and close rates driven by marketing events
  • Create exposure across the customer life-cycle not just funnel development

Learn More:



Although Eloqua does not charge for access to this app, additional fees and/or a subscription are required by the providerFor more information, please contact www.putitforward.com/eloqua/contact.html, or call 1 855 604 1700 or by email eloqua@putitforward.com.

Company Overview:

Put it Forward adds strategic marketing capabilities for Eloqua customers of all sizes through connectivity to important data sources, systems and processes – from cloud based solutions to proprietary in house sources.

How to access all activities by RESTful API?


Hi all,

When calling this request 'GET   /data/activities/contact/{id}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&type={type}&count={count}', I tried to ignore the parameter 'type', and it failed to get any activity data.

When accessing activities through RESTfull API, is the parameter 'type' necessary?

Is there any way to get activities of all kinds of types?


BTW, is there any way to get activities of  all contacts?




Does social media marketing work for B2B lead generation?

What is your average social media icon click through rate


This will include social share and standard socia media icons. The calculation should done by social media link clicks divided by the email delivered.

What are you most excited for at Eloqua Experience 12?

How do I merge Contacts?



We found two contacts records from the same person using two different email addresses (AOL & Hotmail FWIW). Is there a way to merge these two recrods into the most recently submitted email address (Hotmail)? The goal is to retain the histories for BOTH records.


Thanks in advance,



Message was edited by: Vincent Allen

Patient-centricity is the Future of Profitability


Eyeforpharma recently published their Industry Healthcheck 2014.  In this report, 85% of respondents agree that patient-centricity is the best route to future profitability.


“Moving from a product to a customer centric business model is the path to patient-centricity. The healthcare industry will move into a solution provider to help physicians and the healthcare system to provide best treatment quality at reasonable cost. Patient-centricity as a strategy is also the result of the shift in decision making power in the more complex and educated stakeholder landscape.”

Christoph Schmidt, Head of Global Commercial Excellence,

Actelion Pharmaceuticals


Healthcare consumers are becoming more independent when it comes to researching disease, their health, and medical options. Patients and caregivers continue to turn to the internet for research. Life sciences companies must not only provide that content for self-education, but they must also have a presence across all channels so their easily findable. 


According to PEW Internet Survey, 59% of Americans look up health information online. 62% of consumers who research online health information believe the Internet helps them take care of themselves. 46% of online consumers use social sites for health. pt-empowerment-cartoon-e1399665406499.png


Life sciences companies must drive awareness and conversation around disease, wellness, and treatment options.  Below are 7 practices to adopt when shifting to a more patient centric practice.


  1. Ensure your key message meets the needs of the patients and caregivers.  Shift from a product focus.  Emphasize that the daily decisions you make affect your wellness.
  2. Understand that a strong inbound strategy is necessary to drive engagement with patients and caregivers.  A focus on educational non-branded content is a must.  Leverage and measure all inbound channels including blogs, display ads, podcasts, videos, eBooks, industry journals and publications.  Build SEO and social media tactics into this inbound strategy.
  3. Provide information that will empower patients and caregivers to take control of their life and lead a healthy lifestyle.  Content should focus on healthy living and reinforce the prescribed care.  Focus on content that delivers non-branded educational information on diet and exercise.
  4. Make available to patients access to samples, videos, and co-pay savings coupons.
  5. Deliver an FAQ sheet. This should contain information on common questions asked by patients of the disease. It should also contain a list of questions the patient could ask to the HCP during their next visit.
  6. Develop a patient portal that engages with the patients and caregivers.  Don’t just push information to patients.  Allow patients to ask questions about physician visits and offer clarity on advice given.  Generate a platform where those with the same disease can engage with each other.
  7. Shift from a marketing mindset to that of a facilitator of helpful information.  You no longer market and brand your drug, you connect patients and caregivers with information that helps and heals.


How are you effectively connecting with patients?

Best In Class Practices


We just got out first Eloqua campaign results and looking at the data there are a lot of questions that pop up. Question like what does this all mean? Is this email better then the others? What is the best practice for follow up calls on Lead Score? What is the best practice for Lead Scoring? Do we have too many? How do we eliminate Lead Scoring from contacts that are already an opportunity/ working with us? ... and the list goes on.


I am trying to find more info on what other people have done regarding BEST EMAIL practice and results. Does anyone have any tips of campaigns or Lead Scoring/ Follow up on those leads? Or please share links to other discussions and/or documents of best practice on how to analyze data and how to compare our results to others. I would love to hear everyone's tips on what it means to run a successful campaign and Lead scoring program.

Eloquan's Seeking New Opportunities


While Leigh Burke is researching the best way to match Eloquans and Job Posters within the Topliners Application, We can be Pro-Active and start a list Eloquans who are actively seeking a new Eloqua Home. 


  1. Add you name to the comments. 
  2. When you have a new home, let us know so we can celebrate and do the happy dance with you! 

IP Warming Guide

Prospect and Visitor information using the REST API


As per this post (Eloqua API Chart), the visitors and prospects information is not available with the Eloqua REST API.


With Eloqua REST API is there a field which identifies whether a contact is a prospect or a visitor?

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